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Price of Baby Things in Nigeria

Baby things are referred as items, products, or gear designed for babies. Which include things like baby clothing, diapers, baby bottles, cribs, strollers, toys, and other essentials used to care for and raise a baby. These items are specially made with the comfort and safety of babies.

Price of baby things in Nigeria
Price of baby things in Nigeria

When you’re preparing for a new baby, you’ll probably go shopping for many items you believe you and your baby will require once the baby arrives. There are countless products available in baby stores, but not everything is a must-have. However, it’s important to remember that you can still buy things based on what you personally prefer.

In this article we’ll be discussing about the most baby things to buy and their prices.

Price of baby things in Nigeria

There are many things you can of will have to buy for your baby, might be before being born or after born. Which their price ranges from as low as 700 – over 50,000. In this article I will discuss in details what you will need to buy before baby delivery and their prices.

  • Baby toiletries
  • Baby blanket
  • Baby clothing
  • Hat to cover baby’s head to save them from catching cold.
  • Baby carrier
  • Small clothes that’s used when they defecate
  • Diapers, wipes and diaper cream.
  • Baby bath set
  • Baby bed and net
  • Baby food
  • Baby feeding bottle
  • Baby diaper bag
  • Teething ring
  • Flasks
Price list of baby things in Nigeria
Baby ThingsPrices Range (₦)
Socks700 for three pairs
Shawl2,000 – 4,000
Vest900 – 4,000
Shorts700 – 3,000
Bids700 – 1,500
Shoes2,000 – 6,000
Dresses2,000 – 6,000
Sweater2,500 – 6,000
Beanie (Hat)1,000 – 2,000
Sleep Suit2,000 – 5,000
Body Suit700 – 2,000

Where to Buy Baby Things in Nigeria

You can buy your baby things anywhere like supermarkets, Local markets even online marketplace but there are places i will like to recommend to you and they are;

  • Alaba International Market
  • Apapa Market
  • Badagry Oja market
  • Supermarkets in Ikeja
  • Ikotun/Igando market
  • Agbara Market

FAQS – Price of baby things in Nigeria

What is the best age to start using a baby crib?

It’s safe to start using a crib from birth, as long as it meets safety standards and guidelines.

How often should I change my baby’s diapers?

Newborns may need diaper changes every 2-3 hours, but it varies based on your baby’s age and feeding schedule.

When can I start introducing solid foods to my baby’s diet?

Most babies are ready for solid foods around 6 months of age, but consult your pediatrician for guidance.

What are the essential items for a baby’s nursery?

Common nursery essentials include a crib, changing table, baby monitor, and a comfortable rocking chair.

How can I ensure my baby’s safety in the home?

Babyproofing your home is crucial. Install safety gates, outlet covers, and secure heavy furniture to prevent accidents.

What is the recommended room temperature for a baby’s nursery?

The ideal room temperature is around 68-72°F (20-22°C) to ensure your baby is comfortable and safe.

How do I choose the right baby stroller for my needs?

Consider your lifestyle and needs. Factors like terrain, size, and storage space are essential when choosing a stroller.

What’s the best way to soothe a fussy baby?

Techniques like swaddling, rocking, and offering a pacifier can be effective in calming a fussy baby.

When should I start a bedtime routine for my baby?

You can start a simple bedtime routine, like a bath and bedtime story, as early as a few weeks old to establish good sleep habits.

What should I look for in baby car seats to ensure safety?

Make sure the car seat is age-appropriate, properly installed, and meets safety standards in your region.


In conclusion, The world of baby stuff is a big, important world for parents and caregivers. It’s full of things that help babies and toddlers feel comfy, safe, and supported. You’ve got cribs, strollers, diapers, bottles, and a bunch of other things that are super important for making sure our little ones are healthy and happy. As technology and design get better, there will be even more baby stuff to pick from, giving parents more options to take care of their babies.

We hope you will find this post informative.

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Sucrose Segun

Sucrose Segun

Hi, my name Segun Joseph one of the writers at, am here to give you information about the current price of car, gadget, food, electronics, building materials In Nigeria.View Author posts